This fantastic new comedy show for adults combines nostalgic and original funny songs, robots, magic, juggling, audience participation, whoopee cushion percussion, and a lovable performing dog named Reggie - who steals every show and the audience members’ hearts. Your seniors will love it...
John Hadfield hits the bullseye with this outrageous musical
comedy / variety show aimed at seniors. The presentation features
original funny songs, plate spinning, amazing magic, comedy,
vaudeville style juggling, audience participation, whoopee cushion
percussion, a heckling robot bird and a lovable (real) piano playing
dog named Reggie who steals every show as well as the audience
members’ hearts. The show is an instant hit at senior centers,
festivals, assisted living facilities, corporate events and adult
day centers.
John is an award winning singer songwriter, a professional dog trainer and a former circus performer. He has a degree in Russian language from the University of Delaware and did his post graduate work at the Ringling Bros. Clown College and the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training and Behavior. He has performed all over the world - from Magic Land in Bangkok, Thailand to The China International Children’s Festival to Disneyland in California. His circus credits include the Royal Lichtenstein Circus, Circus Fantasy and the Ringling Bros. Thrill Circus.
John began performing this variety show for seniors after his mother took a fall and was starting to need more care. Working with her, he started to realize how important humor and laughter is for the older generation, how it improves focus and motivation. When the seniors are actually involved as active participants, it makes them feel young and smart and funny again - if even just for an hour. Whether they are dressed as Doris Day singing a duet with John, helping out with plate spinning or the magic act, involved in his Famous People game show or just heckling from the back row, they have the opportunity to think fast and be funny and share this unique crazy experience with their friends and co-residents.
Reggie the dog adds a fantastic sweet layer to the show. Reggie
completed the Karen Pryor Academy’s Professional Dog Trainer’s
course as John’s partner, and is his demo dog for his weekly Dog
Tricks class at The Academy of Dog Training and Agility. As the
world’s only performing Akita, his skills are out of this world -
but his personality wins over the audience immediately. When Reggie
is introduced and walks out slowly to the performing area (and
stretches), John announces how excited Reggie is to be here - and
Reggie gives a BIG yawn and looks at the audience like “Where am I
and how did you people get into my bedroom?” the seniors totally
crack up. With slow goofy music playing behind him, he seemingly
performs his tricks reluctantly - much to the audience’s delight. He
plays the piano, finds John’s keys, turns the lamp on and off after
John claps his hands twice (clap on… clap off…), does a great trick
recycling a plastic bottle, and is working on an incredible magic
trick where he actually reads the mind of an audience member. After
each trick, the audiences LOVE to shout “GOOD BOY, REGGIE!” and they
absolutely love getting the chance to meet him after the program
John Hadfield’s Original Wholesome One-Man Comedy Variety Show is a labor of love, and the rewards of performing for the older adults far outweigh the paycheck - and for this reason, he keeps pricing reasonable. Sometimes audiences are loud and funny, and sometimes they are mostly asleep and staring at the floor. But after the show, when John and Reggie go around and thank everyone, the comments, the stories and the excitement in the seniors’ eyes take them back to the days when life was different, and every day was an adventure. It’s a pleasure to bring this adventure to you.